Coho Water Resources brings experience with Community and Large On-site Sewage Systems (COSS and LOSS), the State Waste Discharge Program (SWDP), and reclaimed water.
COSS and LOSS facilities are permitted through a county
(< 3,500 gpd) and the state Department of Health (<100,000 gpd), respectively, and manage only domestic waste streams.
State Waste Discharge Permits (SWDPs) permitted by the state Department of Ecology involve the land application of wastewater (domestic and/or process waste streams, and all facilities >100,000 gpd).
Coho participated in the reclaimed water rule-making process and associated draft guidance document called the Purple Book.
Coho provides support for new permits and permit renewals:
We can help you determine which regulatory program is the best match for your project considering cost, schedule and asset management.